The Best Place To Buy And Sell Your Props For Stage, Events And Films
Bar Tension Walls - Middlesex
5 almost brand new walls.4 walls, slightly older.
3 Georgian style window walls that zip and roll up.
All are 3m by 2.3m
4.5m x 9m White Marquee - Middlesex
4.5m by 9m Marquee.Armbruster framework with Marshall roof.
With walls.
Tidy condition.
Polework can also be used to make 4.5m by 4.5m marquee.
Green and White Armbruster Marquee 6m by 12m (20’ by 40’) - Ashford, Middlesex
Armbruster frame marquee.Reasonable condition (photos are recent so you can see condition from those).
Has served me well but still plenty of parties left in it.
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