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It is for indoor use only and is on wheels for easy manoeuvring.
The doors open on both sides as in the pictures so it can be walked through it if needed.
It is very big and very heavy and will need a bit of TLC to complete it but will make a fantastic addition to any collection.

£1750 £999 VAT Free

The marquee is approx 3.6m x 7.2m with rounded edges.
The tent stands at 2m at the walls and then raises to a centra 3.3m where the king poles stand.
Tent is available in either:
- Red / Blue with a Beela internal print
- Olive Green with a Jaal internal print

£3500 +VAT

Tents are available in colours either:
- Blue / Yellow
- Red / Yellow
They both have the same internal print.

3.6m diameter or 5m diameter sizes

From £2450 +VAT

Large poly lion head 3ft x 6’ thick

£65 VAT Free

Giant poly carved and painted pumpkin.
Fantastic stage prop.
Light weight but so big one person can’t hold it.!

£295 £250 VAT Free ono

A beautiful piece of high quality craftsmanship, a movable cannon model with carriage, a truly unique piece.
The cannon has a 2m long metal barrel and weighs approximately 120kg. The wheels are made of wood and surrounded by a metal belt. The rifle is also made of metal.

£5000 VAT Free ono

Free standing cast iron lamp post with base that allows this to stand securely on any flat surface. Black cast iron. 2m 70cm high. Base 60cm x 60cm painted black. This item has been wired to a 13amp mains plug and was part tested for venue use and are in good working order. However you would need to get this pat tested again before using for any event. Heavy.

£250 £225 VAT Free

The tents have a 1.5m diameter (plus guy lines) and a 1m wall height, which raises to a 1.5m centre height at the king pole. Waterproof outer coloured canvas walls enclose the marquee with an internal hand-printed lining of the yellow liss flower!
Colours available are:
- Red / Blue / Green / Yellow
- Red / Yellow
- Blue / Green

£399 +VAT

1 x 6m by 3m, hand painted onto fire retaudant canvas, Jack Frost backdrop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Snowman King Character Prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Jack Frost Character Prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Ice King Character Prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Ice Queen Character Prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Mysthical Polar Bear Character prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Winter Fawn Character Prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Wise Snowmand Character Prop
1 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Winter Trolls Character Prop
2 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Snow Fairy Character Props
2 x approx 8ft high, 2D, hand painted / varnished onto thick MDF, Ice Stalagmite Design Props

£970 +VAT

1x hand painted pirate ship at sea backdrop.
6x 8ft high 2D hand painted 'Pirates of the Caribbean' characters on thick MDF.
All painting done by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith.

£720 +VAT

2 x 3m by 3m hand painted, fire retardent canvas Grease Backdrops
1 x 6m by 3m hand painted, fire retardent canas Greased Lightning Backdrop

(Ex hire stock in great condition and ready to use)

£550 +VAT

14x candy canes

£150 +VAT each

| Quantity: 14
Artificial crows
Job lot - 2 large bags, approx 50+ crows.
All have been wired for easy placement.
used once for event

£100 VAT Free

£100 VAT Free

| Quantity: 7
Dutch royal carriage
Would make a stunning weddings carriage
Sunning craftsmanship
Looks very elegant and noble

£28750 +VAT

This is a lovely prop - made of MDF and hardwood with seating and steps. It has two cute windows and a decorative door. It was made for a Royal event hence we don't have many photos of it.

£695 +VAT

£395 +VAT

Royal Peep Through For Sale

£130 £65 +VAT

Market Stall £885 ex vat
4 X Turrets and Archways £1995 ex vat
Table Top Stars- 90cm high £15 each ex vat

From £15 £7.50 +VAT

Assorted fun custom made props from £200 ex vat- list on request

From £200 £100 +VAT each

| Quantity: 10
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