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1000's of 18" foil balloons
350x Hearts balloons, 350x 36" Balloons, 80x jumbo latex, 450x Qualatex
200x weights, Gift cards, 3x air inflators, helium gas adapters, shelving,
Cash till, 12ft Arch frame, etc, etc,

Click for full list !

£3250 £1000 VAT Free ono

Electric air inflators 4
Dual split second sizer 2
Duplicator Electric inflators.
Helium gas Nozzles 12

£500 VAT Free ono

3x0, 3x1, 2x2, 3x3, 3x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, 2x8, 2x9.
And 19 bases
All painted white satin wood

£220 VAT Free

| Quantity: 24
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