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Hand painted Colosseum design.
Hand painted Roman structure design.

All painting done by acclaimed UK portrait artist Nicholas J Smith.

£600 +VAT

1950's diner Sign, character Design on thick MDF
Hand painted back drops

£700 +VAT

1x hand painted pirate ship at sea backdrop.
6x 8ft high 2D hand painted 'Pirates of the Caribbean' characters on thick MDF.
All painting done by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith.

£720 +VAT

2 x 3m by 3m vinyl printed Oriental Dragon backdrops
1 x 6m by 3m fire retardant canvas, hand paint Great Wall of China Scene Backdrop
2 x approx 8ft long by 3ft high hand painted on to thick MDF Oriental Fan designs
2 x approx 8ft high by 3ft wide hand painted on to thick MDF Oriental Writing designs
2 x approx 8ft high by 3ft wide hand painted on to thick MDF Oriental Dragon designs
All hand paintings done by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith
All props in great condition and ready to use

£910 +VAT

2 x 3m by 3m fire retardent canva, hand painted stone castle interior backdrops
7 x approx. 8ft high 2D hand painted (onto thick MDF) Medieval character designs, Princess, 2 x black knights, 1 x white knight, 1 x peasant male, 1 x peasant female, 1 x Court Jester, plus 1 x 8ft high 2D hand painted Medieval Stocks design
All painting by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith
Ex Hire stock in condition and ready to use

£780 +VAT

2 x 3m by 3m hand painted, fire retardent canvas Grease Backdrops
1 x 6m by 3m hand painted, fire retardent canas Greased Lightning Backdrop

(Ex hire stock in great condition and ready to use)

£550 +VAT

£55 inc. VAT each

| Quantity: 16
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