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Expertly hold and display your sushi with this Hoshizaki HNC Sushi Case.
Designed to sit neatly on any front of house countertop to display and merchandise products helping to maximise sales.
This chilled display offers optimum conditions for chilled sushi storage thanks to advanced refrigeration technology.

£595 +VAT

New still-boxed Hoshizaki air-cooled compact ice maker 30kg output IM-30CNE-HC

£1150 VAT Free

£2250 £2000 +VAT ono

High output hosizaki ice cube maker and follet dump bin with fosters filter in perfect working order

£2500 VAT Free

This ice maker is in very good condition, cleaned and tested, The IM 45CLE makes 44kg of ice in 24 Hours, has an18kg Storage Bin Capacity, Slow-Melting Cubes Made at -25°C, Washable Condenser Air Filter, Unique closed cell water circuit for ultimate contamination protection stainless steel, single phase,

£750 +VAT

500kg bin Hoshizaki FM251AFE flakes ice maker in very good condition

£1750 VAT Free

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